Once upon a time...
Our origin story
My company was conceived in the early morning hours of March 4th, 2021 on the caving living room couch of my first 845 square foot 2 bedroom apartment.
I made the very hard decision that day to drop out of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where I was studying Art & Technology, to combine all the passions I had learned studying animation and community arts to pursue this vision I have for my company.
I knew after having failed the entire 2020-2021 school year and barely having enough financial aid to cover the costs of living for the semesters I was in school, something needed to change.
I had been exposed to the idea of becoming an entrepreneur back in 2019 by winning a Mary Kay facial party. When I tried selling Mary Kay in 2019, I developed a one-year marketing strategy in the Notes app on my iPad filled with various sales and blog ideas for that company.
When I was imparted with this vision for my company, I began to map out my plan for my business on the Notes app of my iPhone and MacBook just as I had done before with my Mary Kay business.
I was literally falling asleep typing out & researching my ideas in the beginning, sometimes even forgetting to eat between the hours I was clocking being a mom and new entrepreneur.
My one wish is to work primarily from home so that I can be with my children.
I created this company to make the dream of a bigger home with air conditioning and extra bedroom space to convert into an office space a reality.
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